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Troubleshoot and find what may be causing errors on listing/updating items on eBay

eBay Error: It looks like this listing is for an item you already have on eBay: TITLE (ITEM_ID). We don't allow listings for identical items from the same seller to appear on eBay at the same time...This error typically means the Title of the listing is identical to another title of another listing on the same eBay account.
Fix EXIF Orientation - Photos are rotated, upside down, sideways, flipped? | iPhone photos for eBayImages taken with a rotated iPhone or digital camera may not display the correct orientation on eBay. Learn why & how to fix images in bulk
eBay Error - Description cannot be revised for auction style listings that have at least one pending bid or are ending in less than twelve hours, and for fixed price listings that have at least one quantity sold or have a pending best offer.How to fix eBay error "Description cannot be revised for auction style listings that have at least one pending bid or are ending in less..."
eBay Error: "The item cannot be listed or modified. The title and/or description may contain improper words, or the listing or seller may be in violation of eBay policy."How to fix the "The item cannot be listed or modified." error
eBay Error: "The category is not valid, select another category."How to fix the "The category is not valid, select another category." error
eBay Error: "Please Specify a Valid Return Policy."How to fix the "Please Specify a Valid Return Policy." error
eBay Error: "Invalid Multi-SKU item id supplied with variations."How to fix the "Invalid Multi-SKU item id supplied with variations." error
eBay Shipping Packages - eBay Error: "Invalid <ShippingPackage>."Learn which shipping packing option to choose for eBay — and how to fix the "Invalid <ShippingPackage>." eBay error
eBay Error: "Variations Specifics and Item Specifics entered for a Multi-SKU item should be different. Variation Specifics provided does not match with the variation specifics of the variations on the item."How to fix the "Variations Specifics and Item Specifics entered for a Multi-SKU item should be different." error when publishing eBay items
eBay Error: "Error: A mixture of Self Hosted and EPS pictures are not allowed"This means eBay will not accept new uploaded images with the current listing. Remove and re-upload all images to publish the listing.
eBay Error: "The category selected is not a leaf category."This means that the eBay category is not defined into a small enough subcategory. This can happen when importing listings from other sites.
eBay Error: "The length of the description has exceeded the maximum limit."eBay will send this error if your description is too long. This includes HTML code in your design template and description.