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eBay Error: "The item cannot be listed or modified. The title and/or description may contain improper words, or the listing or seller may be in violation of eBay policy."
eBay Error: "The item cannot be listed or modified. The title and/or description may contain improper words, or the listing or seller may be in violation of eBay policy."

How to fix the "The item cannot be listed or modified." error

Lisa Adams avatar
Written by Lisa Adams
Updated over a week ago

What does this error mean?

The most common reason for this error is that eBay does not like a word included in your description or listing design template. However, there are other causes as well. See troubleshooting steps below to find a solution:

Step 1 - Check for Blocked Content

Any derivative of the below content or 'coded' spellings will be detected by eBay's Artificial Intelligence and blocked. Make sure this content is not included in your description or listing design templates:

  • Panic words: aka "COVID-19" or "Coronavirus"

  • The location of the item is wrong (e.g. country/city does not match)

  • URLs or links to websites that are not

  • Email, Website, or Postal Address

  • Any hint of your physical location

  • Phone Number

  • Mentioning external payment methods (i.e. "money order")

  • The words "like new"

  • Statistics that your eBay account has not reached yet

  • Statements that seem like you are overselling

  • Asking customers for any personal information (Commonly occurs on listings with customizable items. Try re-wording what info you ask the buyer for.)

  • Anti-discrimination - If your item contains images of, the subject is, or is set to an ethnic-specific category, try changing the category and/or modifying the title & description.

Step 2 - Check The Category

Depending on your item specifics and return policy, eBay may not let you list in certain categories. 

  • If your item blatantly does not match the category assigned.

  • The category may require a minimum of "30 days/Free Returns" policy.

Step 3 - Check Your Selling Limit

  • Sometimes, this error can occur if you've reached your monthly selling limits. Visit your 3Dsellers dashboard to see your current selling limits.

  • If you've reached your selling limits, you can contact eBay directly to increase your limits. 

Step 4 - New Seller?

  • Your very first listing must be made on eBay.

  • On occasion, eBay may limit your ability to use third-party tools if your new account does not have feedback. 

Step 5 - Check Email and eBay Account

  • eBay may be waiting for you to accept new terms on your account.

  • eBay may be requesting documentation about your business.

  • Automatic Payment Method is not set in your payment policy.

  • PayPal account may be on hold.

  • eBay reset your password due to too many logins from different locations.

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