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eBay Error: "The category selected is not a leaf category."
eBay Error: "The category selected is not a leaf category."

This means that the eBay category is not defined into a small enough subcategory. This can happen when importing listings from other sites.

Lisa Adams avatar
Written by Lisa Adams
Updated over a week ago

What does this error mean?

"The category selected is not a leaf category."

eBay will show this error if an eBay category is a parent category selected for the listing (not defined to a subcategory).

How to fix: "The category selected is not a leaf category."

eBay is requiring that you define the category specifically. For example, you may receive this error if you publish a listing with the Kitchen category:

Home, Furniture & DIY -> Kitchen

But if you use the subcategory "Kitchen Units & Sets," eBay will allow you to publish the item:

Home, Furniture & DIY -> Kitchen -> Kitchen Units & Sets

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